Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Husband Tag!

1. What is his name? Farley Crofts

2. Who eats more? Ummm...I would have to say this one is a toss up.

3. Who said I love you first? Farley did. I made sure of that. But I was probably thinking it first.

4. Who is taller? Farley. I am short...well, for my family.

5. Who is smarter? I think Farley is smarter by far.

6. Who is more sensitive? ME!!

7.Who does the laundry? Farley actually does and he is great at it.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Well, if you're sitting on the bed, I do. If you're looking at the bed, Farley does.

9. Who pays the bills? We both do.

10. Who cooks more? We both do equally. Farley is a better cook than I am. He would be a great chef! I love to bake though! Bread, cinnamon rolls, cookies, anything.

11. What meals do you cook together? We cook together a lot. We also clean up together too.

12. Who is more stubborn? Farley

13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? I am.

14. Who is more clean? I love how clean Farley is! I'm pretty clean too though.

15. Who has more siblings? We each have 3.

16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both do actually.

17. What do you like to do together? Everything. Play catch, watch sports, play games, go four wheeling, you name it.

18. Who eats more sweets? I do! But I'm almost ready to give sugar up...maybe.

19. Guilty pleasures? Going to Blanding as much as possible.

20. How did you meet? I went with my sister to 'hang out' with some guys and it happened to be Farley and Turk. Here we are now.

21. Who kissed who first? Farley kissed me first!

22. Who proposed? Farley did. He came to my classroom during lunch with roses!

23. His best features? His smile, hugs, laugh, eyes, everything!

24. What is his greatest quality? His testimony

25. Tag? Tiff, Kristine, Amanda, Jamie, Stacie!


Janice Twitchell said...

I'm glad you liked the tag Tina, it's fun isn't it? Sorry about Far being stubborn, that's part of the Redd trait in him, we all have it and by dang it will kill us! We're all stubborn, but Farley sounds like an amazing husband! You guys are so cute together!

jamie said...

love your updates!!!! It was nice seeing you guys at dinner, we should hang out sometime!
